I am catching up with posting online my articles.
My day was rather busy but it was not so intensive. It was quite enjoyable. Though still there is the topic with the pending task of posting online my JTL articles. And I still do not know what I will be able to start working on it. I write my articles every day but the whole point with posting online is completely on hold.
And now I am stuck and I do not know what else should I write.
In the last couple of weeks I had a series of conversations with my partner in which have touched a lot of deep and difficult topics. At some moments it was all overwhelming and it seemed as if there is no end to it. It was like we opened one topic and then without finishing it we entered into another one and then another one and as I said before it was all overwhelming. But now it looks like we have got to some a point of peace. I see that finally we have transformed some difficult topics and we are both more relaxed. And so this is just another confirmation that there is always a constructive solution and all that is necessary is to be patient and persistent.
Now I finish it here and I get rest.