I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I definitely see that I have more and more days when I work less. I still do a lot of things but I shift from physically intensive work with massages into other type of work and activities. I also see how I am changing in the point of taking more time for myself and my partner. I had temptation this week to take an appointment for this Sunday ( which I supposed to be my day off ) but then I realised quickly that this would be failure on my behalf. And thus I will change the appointment for another day.
Now I remember that I was also at the point when I had to make the choice of either refuse to take an appointment or accept it and put myself under stressful situation. I thought about it 3 times and then I decided that I will not do it.
So this is definitely another sign of a change within my life in the point of bringing balance and harmony between work and rest.