I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So I do not know what to write. And that means that I write something just to write. And I will write about my day.
My day was medium busy when it comes to work but still it was busy with other things. Though I do not feel tired. And this is actually quiet interesting. I have noticed that the tiredness is not there when it normally should be after I had a difficult conversation with my partner and I fired up with anger. But please do not judge me just because was angry. Look... I have been judging myself and supressing the anger within myself. I was afraid of being angry as I judged it as bad. And now I have allowed myself to fire up during the conversation. But I do not really feel this anger anymore. I look at it in this moment and I am completely at peace. I am somehow glad and I feel joy within myself that I did it. Probably this joy comes from the point that I stopped supressing the anger. Of course if I started to be angry often then I would move to the other opposite polarity - from suppressing the anger to overusing it ( abusing it ).
Anyway at the moment this one time explosion was supportive to me and I see it in the point that I feel the inner joy within me and the tired has gone away. I do not know if it was also supportive to my partner. If it was not supportive then it is enough that it was neutral for her. It is simply that for her this point was not requiring transformation and thus she can remain neutral while I am expressing anger. In any case I take it as something supportive and best for all until I have further insight and facts ( e.g. from my partner ) to be able to say something more. I say that this explosion of anger may be something that is best for all for the simple reason that supressing the anger I harmful and thus it is definitely not best for all ( especially me ).
Thus this is all for now in relation to the explosion of anger and I will observe it further.