I am catching up with posting online my articles.
4. Another point of self-empowerment comes from doing things in the physical. And basically it all comes to the point of doing what I know and what I feel that I should be doing.
I have noticed in my practice as a therapist of natural medicine that most of the time ( and probably even every time ) people know what they should be doing to solve their problems. And by not doing that what we know that we should be doing we dis-empower ourselves. And that means that if we want to empower ourselves we just need to stop our mind that is feeling helpless and powerless and start doing the thing in the physical reality.
By doing what I know that I should be doing I will break through my own limitations and this will make my power to flow more freely.
I am sure that every one will be able to find their own ways to empower themselves and that comes through breaking their own limitations. I know that when we face the point of feeling weak and powerless then all the points that I mentioned here as an example will not the thing that we will want to do. As a matter of fact this will be the last thing that you will feel like doing. But then if you somehow push yourself to do it ( or any other thing that you know that you should be doing ) you will make the transformation within yourself and you will make the contact with and you will feel the inner power. And it is enough that you make this connection just once in you life and it will stay with you for always ( well... at least in this lifetime ). What I mean here that there will be times when you may forget about this moment of feeling your power but I am telling you that when you face the difficulties in your life and you hit the bottom hard then this will be the point which you will remember.
Of course remembering it does not mean that you will do it, though in the case that you do, you will stand up from your difficulties even stronger than before. But if you let yourself to be overwhelmed by them and you do not use your power you will fall further down and hit another bottom though much deeper and it will much more painful.
Anyway the point is that we have got used to giving our power away. And we have become so good at it that now it seems almost impossible to regain our power back. Well... this is just the illusion of the mind and the ego. Regaining our inner power is actually much easier than giving it away. Just do it and you will see it.