I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So how can I empower myself ?... which will not only be the point of empowering myself but also empowering others in 2 different ways:
1. First of all we are all one and thus when I empower myself I also do it for all.
2. Secondly I am example to others and thus when I empower myself I give others the possibility to see that they can also do the same.
So how can I empower myself ?
1. The main point in this matter is obviously doing what is best for all.
This does not really require any comments. Though we need to have a look into the details on how to empower myself on the personal level so that I can be more efficient in doing what is best for all.
2. Breath.
There are many reasons why breath will empower us. The most basic one is that without breath you will not be able to live in this reality for longer than 2-5 minutes. And then if you breathe with the full capacity of your lungs then you will also empower yourself and your body.
3. Taking care of your body.
Here we have all sorts of elements. The most basic one is the nutrition, sleep, rest hygiene, exercises etc.
To be continued...