I am catching up with posting online my articles.
You'll know... I remember clearly some moments in my life when I was repairing something ( e.g. my car ) or doing some work in the garden and then I felt such a great satisfaction afterwards. Maybe I was not so keen on getting myself to start doing it but then I did it and I came to the point of great satisfaction. Now I understand that I was spending a lot of time in my mind or doing some mental work ( e.g. computer ) and I was in a way detached from physical reality. And then doing something physical and practical was connecting me with this physical reality. And this was the point which I could eventually understand thanks to Bernard Poolmann from the Desteni Group. He was saying that physical is god and we must stop trying to run away from it. One way of trying to run away from it was mediation and the desiring to get enlightened and ascend into other dimensions. So many people think that this will transform the hell that we live on earth. But the fact is that we must do things in the physical reality if we want to transform it. This is the last thing which most of the humans want to do but this is the only thing that is effective.
Anyway... today I saw an example of a person who was really struggling to grasp this point. He was very much involved with spiritual world etc. but there was the missing link with the connection with physical reality. We have been talking for couple of hours trying to get this person to think of at least one thing to make his friendship stronger through physical actions. He thought that he already did everything possible but the reality was that he was doing things on the spiritual ( dimensional ) levels. And he could not comprehend it. He could not see it and he was throwing at me all sorts of reasons and excuses that there is nothing that he can do. Of course the emotions were also present because this is the how the mind is protecting itself from realising its illusions.
Anyway... as I said before we have been talking for over 2 hours and still this person could not find any single thing that he could do to make his friendship stronger through some physical actions. One of the most effective ways to get somebody from the mind and bring this person into the physical reality is the breath and the piece of paper ( because through writing on the paper all the ideas related to the topic we can see what is illusion and what is practical ) but still this person did not want to do it. Then we managed somehow to write something but because it was written with the emotions so we did not manage to get far with it.
The situation ( emotions ) has calmed down at the end but still this point is not finished yet. We'll see it later.