I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I did not have so much to do when it comes to my job but then I wanted to help my colleague because I knew that without me he would waste a lot of time and money on finding out the things which took me some years to work out.
And this is all perfectly fine. But then it all ended up that I came late home and I am very tired. And also my personal responsibilities are on hold.
So what should I do about it ?
Because the project that I am involved in requires a lot of work and I am not able to do it all by myself. So I need other people to participate in it and assist and support me. But then these people also require assistance and support from me. The idea behind the project and working with other people is to create space in which all people involved into it can have a safe place to work and express themselves and have the support of other members. And thus the life of all people should be easier. But at the moment this is not functioning effectively because for example myself I am overloaded with responsibilities and I do not have time for myself as much I would like to have.
I guess this is all pushing me towards the point when I will have to make the plan and put some limits on how much I can give to certain aspects of my life ( e.g. helping and supporting my colleagues and friends etc. ).
Some months ago I was looking at the point of making plan to organize the things in my life to help to deal with the overload of work. I did it for some time but then I stopped doing it. But now it looks like I will have to come back to this point and start doing it again. Otherwise I will continue to be the victim of the overload of tasks and responsibilities.