I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I was very tired and I lied down on the sofa because it was difficult for me to keep my eyes open. It was supposed to be only for couple of minutes but I fell asleep for 2 hours. It has been very long time since the last time that I was so tired.
Anyway I am pleased that woke up and that I can write my JTL article although I do not know what to write.
I am also very pleased because I see some interesting changes in my friend. Thus it has been rather difficult to transmit to my friend the importance of breathe and I was repeating this word many times to her trying to remind her to breathe in the difficult moments with awareness. But she could not grasp.
Of course it is clear that we cannot live longer then 2-3 minutes without the breath and this is a reason enough to show how important the breathe is for our body and being alive in this reality. But this is only one reason showing its importance. Correct way of breathing with awareness will not only keep our bodies alive but it will also help us to go through difficult moments having the clarity etc.
Anyway it is difficult for my friend to do it ( berthing ) and I have repeated this word maybe even 500 times in the period of 1 month but finally I start to see the results. I see more often that my friends breathes better and then she also encourages me to breathe together with her as a tool to synchronize in some moments of conflict etc.
I am really pleased about this point.