I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I worked less today and I have allowed myself to take more time for myself. I feel some kind of pressure in my as I have my pending task with posting online my JTL articles and then I have couple of other tasks but generally I was ok with taking free time. I think that I need to relax and allow myself to accept the point that I can have the abundance of money without me being there and doing things 24 hours a day. I know that there is possibility to have this abundance and I need to start creating it and living it practically.
So what does it mean to create it and live it practically ?
Well... here is a classical example. I was today in the restaurant and I decided that I will chose something which I have the desire or wish to eat instead of looking for something that is cheapest. And so I did. And I was at peace with it. And I know and realise that I need to be aware of these "small and insignificant" moments and not to give my power to it but instead give my power into something that I want to create/experience.
Of course this is an example from my personal life. But then the same rule applies to the point about the small and insignificant moments in which we make the decisions about what is best for me vs what is best for all.