I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I have made an important realisation. Though it is late and I am tired now and do not want to think more intensely. Thus I will leave it for tomorrow. I will only mention that I realised that I am creating separation and polarity within myself.
Now... it looks like I am stuck and I do not know what to write at all. All I think about now is that I would like to lie in bed. So this is another article about writing just to write and fulfil my obligation for the day.
I am allowing myself lately to have more time off for myself but still I end up being pushed almost to the end talking care of my responsibilities and I have very little chance to do things out of joy to do them. This is a very important point for me.
I think I have mentioned in my article last week that I want to do an experiment with the breathing. Unfortunately I do not make any progress with it as I did not apply the discipline to do it. I am busy with other things.
So the question is: how do I make more time for myself ?