I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So the days are passing by and I am still not on the track to catch up with my pending task of posting online my JTL articles. It is simply not going forward.
Today was looking into the point of self-love as I have noticed that my friend is scratching hard the skin which was itchy. Because I know this behaviour from my own personal experience few years ago and then I know how I transformed this point into loving myself through gentle and loving touch of my body ( and myself ), so today I was able to assist and direct my friend into looking at this point of love. Of course I see that she is struggling with it and she falls very often into the habit of hard scratching of the skin but then I also see some progress as she has moments when she is touching her body in awareness through gentle touch and taking to her body. I know that it will take some time but then it is very nice to see also these small moments when she breaks her habit and pattern.
There is something new with my teeth. I remind you that I am in my experiment with my teeth with the objective to see if I can regenerate my teeth without the dentist. I know that I am not putting into practice all of the ideas in regards to improving my teeth and so instead of moving forward I am either stuck in the same place or my teeth are getting worse. Anyway... it is obvious that there are some resistances in me and my teeth are telling me about it through some kind of discomfort. It is not pain but there is something going on and I need to do something about it.