I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Uppss... and again another challenging day. Not so much work but still I had another conversation on the phone for 3 hours trying to assist the person who's ego has been stirred up yesterday. It seems as it was a full time job for me. And because it is a "second full time job" so it is rather hard for me. Anyway I see that there is need for it and I do it.
I just had a realisation about it. And the point is that if I help and assist these people in their process effectively then they will be able to help and assist other people. And thus for example I help 10 people and later these 10 people help other 10 people and so we help 110 people. This is the system of help and support promoted within the Desteni Group and the DIP course and so I apply it within my life and work as I see it effective.
What else ?
I am irritated and frustrated that my other tasks and projects are on hold because of these issues. But then I see that I do my best and I simply need to accept that the things go slower ( in terms of finishing my pending tasks ) than I wish for.
Apart from this I do not know what to write anymore in this moment. And because it is late so I will finish it here and I will go to sleep now.