I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I had an intensive day at work today but still I have found some time for myself during the day. And I really enjoy it. The only thing is that my projects and pending tasks are lagging behind.
I am almost falling asleep in front of the computer screen. But this is also a little bit my fault as I have wasted some time on silly things on the computer after work instead of doing my JTL article first.
Uff... I do not know what to write.
Tomorrow I will try to have day off. Well... at least from the massages. But I would like to dedicate time towards my publicity so that I could start promoting my project.
Upsss... I just has few minutes of sleep. Good that I am sitting as otherwise ( lying down ) I could fall into deep sleep and wake in the morning without finishing my article. Anyway I need to leave it here and go to sleep.