I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I have been working a lot today but then after work I spend relatively a lot of time talking with friends on the phone and now I am irritated because it feels like I did not spend my time effectively.
Uppsss... I am again at the point when I am falling asleep in front of my computer. But then I cannot go to sleep because I have to write something.
When is it going to be that I have more time for myself ?
And here again comes the point with sleeping less. I fail on this point time after time. Last night I woke up after 4 hours but then I lied down again in bed and I fell asleep. And then obviously I lack the time to do my pending tasks.
I went yesterday to the mountains and it felt so good to be in the nature. But then it was only couple of hours and then I had to come down because of work.
I think my relationship between work and rest is again out of balance.