I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I had a busy day today. Now it is late and I am tired. I do not feel like writing the article and I do not have inspiration and energy to think about something to write. This is just another article in which I write just to write.
Today I have symptoms in my body indicating that I may have cold/flu "invading my body". There is the point in my life now that I have been working a lot and this lowered my immune system. I saw similar pattern in the past and so I am inclined to say that this is happening right now in my body. Thus I have an option to do something for me to strengthen my body ( by having break from work and have some rest ) and this will automatically help my body to defend itself against the invasion of the bacteria and viruses or otherwise I may get sick.
Upppsss... my eyes are "closing down by themselves" and I am falling asleep in front of the computer screen.
I guess I'd better finish here and get some rest.