I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I am blank... I do not know what to write. I have been busy all day doing things. I attended my clients. I did some work on my project. I did some work around the house. And I did not waste time on silly things although I had a temptation for a short time to play a computer game. So I can say that the day was very productive. And I forgot to mention that I even found some time around midday to catch some sun on my terrace.
It is cool that I did all that I did but when is this going to slow down. There is so many things to be taken care of. I make progress continuously and I am pleased with it but still the pace is quite high.
I have a visit of a friend tomorrow. And I have to say that I am really looking forward to it. I mention about it here because it is very unusual for me to have this kind of feeling/emotions or whatever it is.
Anyway the point is still there that I use most of my time and energy on my work and catching up with pending tasks and other important things have to wait in line for its turn. And also the writing of my articles is basically writing just to write something.