I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I am very pleased because finally I had time to work on my project. There is still some work to do but I could say that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Though I still do not know when I will be able to finish it as it all depend on the load of work on my day job. In any case I am walking forward step by step.
I would like so much to be already over with my pending tasks and regain in a way my freedom.
Anyway I do not know what to write at the moment. It is very late at night. I am not very tired but still I would like to go to bed and get some rest.
I was thinking today that I have almost forgot about my experiments that I have started in the past:
- 21 days with positivity
- Sleep reduction
- Teeth regeneration
It is that catching up with my pending tasks occupies so much time and energy that I had to suspend those experiments. I do not give up on them. They just have to wait in line until I will have more free time.