I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I do not know what to write. I do not really know why.
Anyway I had a day off today and I went with my friends to the mountains. I was really nice.
Apart from this I am still analysing the whole situation of conflict with my friend. I look at different points and I have also consulted it with my friends. In any case I hope to have a conversation in 2 days and I hope that we would find some constructive solution to the conflict. As I said in previous article I do not know if we are going to continue to work together but I would like to stay friends.
My pending project goes forward but it is going rather slow as I have various distractions ( mainly a lot of work with the clients ). But although it is not as fast as I would wish it, it is still going forward and that is most important.
Uppsss... it looks like the trip to the mountains made me tired and now I am falling asleep in front of my computer. So I guess I will finish it here and I will get some rest.