I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I had a very busy day today. And now I am tired. First of all I do not feel at all like writing anything and secondly I do not know what to write about. Obviously I did not have a chance to work on my pending task. This will have to wait until tomorrow or even the day after.
It is really difficult to write anything today.
I am just wandering about the thing that I need to work so hard and I need to put so much effort into earing some pieces of paper !!!
I just ate something ( quite a big plate although it is late at night ) and I feel immediately better. So my tiredness was also related to the lack of food. But still I do not feel like writing anything elaborate or anything that would require me to think intensely. So basically I am writing something to fill in the empty place on the paper ( computer screen ).
Wow... this thing with the JTL is really tough.
Time to get some rest.