I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Donald Trump has been in the office for just few days and he has already cancelled TPP which has been already in preparations and negotiation for a very long time. According to the articles on the internet this was supposed to be another devil plan of the elite and now it has been cancelled by a person whom so many people in America and in the world can not stand and have very low respect for.
Personally I have neither any respect for Trump although I know him only from the videos and articles that I saw on internet during the presidential campaign in 2016. These videos and his bahavior and comments did not impress me at all.
Anyway although not so many counted on it, Donald is a president of the USA. And I repeat it... he has just cancelled the evil plan of the elite ( TPP ).
Thus should I not give him some credit and respect for what he just did ?
Well... I guess I should. But still I will wait and see what else will he do in the future. And if he deserves with his action the respect then I will apologize publicly in my articles to judging Donald Trump.