I am catching up with posting online my articles.
No surprise that I had another busy day today. Though I feel the tiredness in my body and I was very glad that one of my appointments has been cancelled today. Anyway somebody could about the reason of why I work so much. Because in the end I could decide to have a day off or even 2 and everything would be ok.
Well... in reality this is true. But then I have certain commitments and I need to provide the service ( although I do not feel like ) because otherwise I may lose the contract. Apart from this there are situations when I cannot postpone the appointment another day and so the "wheel of busy-ness" rolls on constantly. Apart from this there is also a point that I need to save money as in the last couple of months I have been spending and investing quite a lot. And I would like to have some savings because this gives me some kind of comfort and tranquillity in the current system. And then the money will help me to move forward with my projects.
It is late and I am tired. It is my fault because I wasted some time on the computer on silly things. But then I did not want to do anything else this evening. Though in the end I see that I should have done something that would be more beneficial for my body in terms of rest and relaxation. This is my weak point and this is not the first time that I fall for it.
I go to get some rest now.