I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I go forward when it comes to work on my projects. I do more or less every day and primarily it depends on how much work in my main job I have. But still my tasks with posting online my articles is still waiting for its turn. As I said many times before ( in my articles which have not been published in the last few months ) I write my articles every day and I just don't post it. I will do it when I have some free time and when I finish couple of important, work-related projects. I should be able to finish them within the next 2 weeks. But then I do not have any guarantee that I will do it as I ma very busy at work lately. So we will see how it goes.
Anyway now it is late and I am tired. I do not know what to write anymore. My eye lids are falling down and I would like to get some sleep now. But I still have to write something in my articles. I know that this is a bit artificial "just write something to fill up the paper" but this is the way it is.
Uppps... I almost fell asleep with the computer on my laps. One of my fingers pressed the keyboard and there was a line of characters in my article. Hahahaha... I am really tired.
I will leave it here and I will go to sleep. I cannot do anymore.