I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Well... as matter of fact there is something that I wanted to write about today. But now it is very late and it is difficult for me to concentrate on this topic. And thus I will leave it for tomorrow.
My day was busy as usual. Though I spend a lot of time working on my project on the computer. It was a little bit too much but then I was talking to a friend on the phone anyway so I decided to do something while I was chatting with my friend.
I think that I need another 2-3 days and I should be ready with be ready with my website. Well... there will be some other things to do with it but it will be the first phase. Later I will be able to relax more about it.
Yesterday I was talking about making a plan for my work on the computer but I did not do it. So I could say that I failed again on this point.
I am almost falling asleep so I finish here now and I go to get rest.