I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Upps... I have been working today over my limit. Way over my limit as a matter of fact. But it was not possible to change my appointments. But then I see that in the last 2 months ( since I changed my diet program and I use the mineral supplements ) I am coping much better with this load of work. I could even change ( raise ) my daily limits of how much I can work in one day. But I will not do it. I will try to keep within the limits that I have set so far.
And now I do not know what to write anymore.
Anyway... so what is ahead of me this night. Now it is late and normally I should be very tired by now. But because I have pushed my limits in some way my body is accelerated and at the moment I do not feel very tired. But then I know that other people would easily say that I look tired. This is this controversy which I call the CONTROVERSY OF THE MIND AND THE BODY - I feel ok inside ( the mind ) but on the outside ( physical body ) looks tired.
Although I do not feel tired I know that I should get some rest. I will try to sleep only 4 hours. But I know that if I sleep too long I will end with the hangover-like symptoms. I have an early appointment and I hope that I will wake up on time.