I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It is rather late. It is later but for my standards ( lately I go very late to bed ) it is rather late because it is only 1.20 am. But the main point is that I do not know what to write. And I cannot really seat much longer in front of the computer because I have an early appointment.
Anyway today I was much better when it comes to the focus on my tasks and projects without wasting time on some silly things. I was busy with my normal job today so I could not do much in regards to my pending tasks but still I did something in the evening and I am 1 step closer to the finish than I was yesterday.
I was hoping to finish more of my pending tasks by the end of December but the reality is that there is much more work with it than expected. And some of the tasks will need to be finished later in January. In reality it does not matter how much time it takes to finish them. The most important is that I transform my weak points in regards to keeping focus and discipline and keep walking forward.