I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It may look like this "I do not know what to write" is an easy way out. But I have written already on few occasions that there are moments when I am completely blank in my head. And this happens especially when I work all day and then in the evening or night I do not have the capacity to think anymore. Anyway today is a day like this when I am blank.
Today I have been working almost all day on the computer. As I said yesterday I took advantage that people celebrate today and they also think that I do the same and so they did not call me for an appointment. I mean couple of people did but I managed to postpone the appointment for tomorrow.
Today I had an interesting meeting and conversation with a friend of mine. He is going through a deep cleansing process in his life on many levels and I see many similarities to my process which I went through 4 years ago. His process has been going on already for about 2 months and thus this is not the first conversation about it. Because I went through my process before and I "cleaned myself" thoroughly thus now I have better clarity in seeing things and also seeing the process of my friend. And today I see that he is a little bit lost and he walks the wrong way.
Of course this is just my impression and perception. As I said I have better clarity in seeing things but still this is not my process. Thus is just want to make a note of my perception and we will see it with the time how it goes.