I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This morning I have been tempted by my friend again. But I have decided that first I will finish my pending tasks and only then I will make decisions about any new project, investments etc.
I have been working lately more hours on the computer and I see that this affects my body. I mean I feel more tired. And this later affects my sleep. Lately I have been sleeping a little bit more. But what is new in my life is that my sleep is much deeper to the point that quite often I do not hear my alarm anymore. I have also downloaded from Google Play Store an application for my mobile phone which monitors my sleeping pattern. I am still learning about but it looks like it will be able to show me some interesting points which will help me with my experiment with the reduction of sleep. But this I will be able to see only with the time.
Apart from this I do not know what to write anymore today.
By making decision about rejecting the investment offer I got myself closer towards finishing my pending tasks and projects. Because now I make the priorities clear and I will not allow so easy to come any distractions into my life.
I have no appointments for tomorrow and I hope to advance with my projects a lot. I feel really happy when I know that I have no appointments and I may have a day only for myself. I did not have many of these days lately in the last couple of months or maybe even a year or two. Anyway on the other hand I have advanced a lot with all of my projects so there is also a positive side to it.
Now I will have a rest.