I am catching up with posting online my articles.
My life continues to be busy. This time I am concentrated on preparing new publicity and updating my websites. There is a very interesting point here. Because my business functions very good. And I do not really need to make any new publicity. I could simply out on the street and I would find myself work/clients. But this point of having something ( like my website not being perfect ) does not allow me to be at peace.
And so in a way I behave irrational. At least this is what many people would say about it. Because instead of earning more money I spend a lot of time doing something which is not necessary !!! But for me this is not irrational. It is actually perfectly ok. I just want to make sure that what I do is as perfect as possible. It is about the self-expression. I do something because I want to do it and not because I am being motivated exclusively by money.
So it will take me at least another few days before I will make my websites perfect. And then I will be able to move on to another project feeling content and satisfied. It has been already a while when I am being really careful about taking on any new projects. And one of the reasons is that I still have some unfinished projects and this really annoying to me that I could not have finished them yet. But I do not want to make the half way solutions. I want to make each project really good and then I will move on.
This is a very simple yet effective way to be happy and content in life. At least it is so for me.