I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It is late at night. As a matter of fact I have fallen asleep on the sofa and I woke up after couple of hours. I was busy all day and this is kind of normal. But then I must mention that I slept only 2 hours last night. Anyway I am at the point when I do not know what to write.
In the next couple of days I will be learning about new therapies from my friend ( also therapist of natural medicine ). This is going to be very interesting as afterwards I should understand much better the process of how people get sick and how to prevent it ( cure it ). I know that I should be careful when it comes to use the word "cure it" as we live in the system where the doctors ( gods ) have the monopoly on curing and anybody else who is not the member of the "mafia" must be very careful what he says and what he does with people. I realise that it is us ( including myself ) who have created this system and it is us who have given so much power in the hands of the doctors so in the end we cannot blame anybody else for it but ourselves.
Uff... I am struggling to write this article. And I will finish it here.