I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Well... I do not know what to write. I was thinking today about how much I have left to finish with my JTL. In the end there is no point in thinking about it because this does not change anything in this regard. I may not feel like doing it on some occasions ( like today ) but I still have left what I have left and I still have to do it every day.
Anyway I have been working a little bit more lately and I start to see how I have let myself to get a little bit out of balance because of it. Not so long ago I wrote an article about self-discipline and now I see that I have not applied it correctly. I can see that the weakness comes in the moments when I work more and I am more tired. But then I know that the situation would be much different if I held my commitment in the difficult moments ( when I am tired from work ) and so I will have to start it again and do the test for the following 3 weeks.