I am catching up with posting online my articles.
And so here it is another day when I do not have clarity in regards to writing my article. I have been busy almost all day with the things related to my work. I do them but I do not rush to finish them as soon as possible at the cost of my body. I do them when I do them. And this is a big change in comparison with the past ( especially the last couple of years ).
Although I do not rush with the things as I used to do before I still face the point of doing the things which I do not really feel like doing. For example writing my JTL article. Right now it is late, I am tired and I would like to shut down my computer and seat or lie down on the sofa. But well... this world has not been constructed so that we could do all the time all the things which we enjoy. Of course we can do our best but still there are certain tasks and jobs which need to be done no matter what.
And so here I am writing about nothing really important or interesting. But I have to write something.