I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Lately my experiment with the sleep does not go too good. For example today I went to bed around 22.30 to have a short sleep. But it turned to be 3 hours sleep and now I really struggle to keep awake and write the article. One thing is that lately I have spent more hours in front of the computer and apart from this I also trained more in the gym. I have muscle pains ( typical from exercising ) and this also contributes that I want to sleep more. I also got to remember that last night I slept less than 3 hours. So this is also contributing that I am more tired now. Anyway this shows that I cannot get any constant results. I have nights when I sleep less but then the night after or 2 nights after I must sleep more to catch up with the sleep.
And now I do not know what to write.
In the meantime I have finished one of my projects and I am very pleased with it but then the big project is still going very slow.
Now I am slowly waking up and probably I will not go immediately to lie down in my bed and continue with the sleep. I will have a shower and this will help to keep up.
I do not know what to write anymore.