I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
So now you may ask a question:
What does Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have to do with the Barack Obama's third presidential term ?
To answer your question I will answer it with my question:
Do you think that those who are in power would allow and let somebody like Bernie Sanders to get in power so easy ?
If he did that would mean the end for the elite... wouldn't it ?
I am not saying that this is true - because I do not have access to the confidential information and all that I am doing here is using the logic - but don't you think that organizing something similar to the event of the September 11 in New York would allow the current president to declare martial law, suspend the presidential elections and continue its presidency and through this prevent somebody like Bernie Sanders to get into power ?
Bernie Sanders is a real threat to the elite, bankers etc. I am know for sure that they will not allow him so easy to be a president. Look at this whole farce and manipulation of the preliminary campaign within the Democratic Party. Bernie Sanders has support of the people but then these people had difficulties to cast their vote. And then I am sure that the votes were not counted correctly. And then we have this absurd with the super delegates.
Anyway now Bernie Sanders has been forced to endorse Hillary or otherwise he would not be allowed to attend the Democratic Party convention. He will have the right to give a speech at this convention and he still has a chance to be nominated but it is obvious that the elite is making everything to make it impossible. Before the very eyes of the people the elite is literally doing a crime and we cannot really do much about it. Of course we can but we must unite and this was the message of the senator Bernie Sanders who is the great man who had the courage to challenge the elite.
To be continued