I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So I do not know what to write. I am walking my path step by step. Whenever I meet somebody on my path I try to talk to them and wake them up. Of course only those who are ready because I meet many people who just pass by and do not want to listen at all.
Now... although I walk forward, still I can see that I could be much more effective in my process. But then I realise that something is holding me from doing it. In reality it is not something but somebody. And that somebody is myself. I stop myself from doing it more effective and faster. There are still relatively many moments of my life when I waste my time in a way.
One of the points which I am very pleased about, is that I am able to assist and help other people in their process. Especially when it comes to the process of healing/self-healing ( including serious conditions ).
The point that I continue to struggle within myself is the sleep. As I have written before I would like to cut my hours of sleep but then I am not effective on this point.