I do not know what to write

I am catching up with posting online my articles.

My life is rather quiet at the moment. I am on the quiet waters and I do not see on the horizon any approaching storms. Everything flows smoothly. I have more than enough work and I do not have to worry about my financial stability. But still my engagement when it comes to my activism with Desteni is very low. Well... it is that my work consumes a lot of my energy and time resources and so I had to reduce the time that I would dedicate to Desteni. But then I have to also say that although I am not so active and present within the Group activities I am all the time with them. I live the principle of what is best for all and I apply it in my daily life.

If you follow my articles then you should remember that I started to experiment with reducing the hours of my sleep. I got some success with it as now I sleep around 6 hours but then I am kind of disappointed that I am not progressing anymore.

Why not then ?

Well... I guess it is all about the excuses. I say to myself that I will do it when I will have less work. My work fluctuates with seasons but then this year I do not see any fluctuations and I continue to work a lot all the time. So I see now that I have no other choice but to get back into my experiment right now and not wait for the favourable conditions as that may not happen any soon.

It would be so awesome if I could break through this point as then I would have more time to work on my projects. And I hope that I would also feel much better as sleeping does not really work for me and it does not give me the satisfactory rest. And if I sleep too much then I have hangover and I cannot function properly at all.

So I guess that tonight I will try something with less sleep. Or maybe without the sleep ?


Written: 2016 - June - 15   Published: 2017 - Aug - 14      © Copyright - Greg Wiater