I am catching up with posting online my articles.
His belief that he is doing the right thing makes the life of other people ( and the cats ) more difficult.
Anyway I looked at this whole situation and I realised that this person is in some way the exact image and reflection of how our current system functions. And thus we have certain individuals ( politicians, elite etc. ) in this world who want to control and impose their will upon others and through this they make other's lives miserable. Obviously most of the people don't like it and they complain about it but then nobody really does anything about it. As a result of inaction these people gain more and more power and they are more and more annoying as they - in their obsession to control others - impose their egoistic goals and ideas on others.
Now... because they try to control others ( and they do it quite effectively ) is not really a problem. I mean it is a problem but then it is not. The main problem is the rest of the people allow them to do it. Look... there are billions of people in this world and we allow few to abuse us, control us and take advantage of us.
Anyway... all that is happening in my apartment complex is exact reflection of how this world functions. And thus we either allow couple of people to control the rest and impose their will making the life of others miserable or we do something about it.
Thus my plan is that I will talk with other neighbours and together we will let know these "control freaks" to back off. Of course I am not sure if that will happen because I know from experience that people are not so willing to do something out of themselves.
Anyway I will do my best.