I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Couple of days ago I had a patient with the pain in the shoulder/back area. Traditional way of treating it would be to do the massage. But once I found out through the conversation with the patient that the problem has been there for some time thus I realised that the cause of it is lying somewhere "deeper".
Anyway I did the alignment of the physical body and I did a massage to release the muscular tension. Apart from this I also gave my patient some indications of what he should be looking at when it comes to the possible issues on the emotional level. I did not have absolute clarity in that moment of what could be the actual cause of the problem but at least I did something which was right in front of me and I could see. At the end of the treatment I shown my patient couple of exercises which he should be doing at home every day and then we finished.
Few days later I met with the person accidently and we decided to have a lunch together. Obviously during our conversation we started to talk about his progress with the exercises and the treatment altogether. He mentioned that there is some improvement but still there are moments when the pain is quite significant and annoying. Thus I started to ask more questions and interestingly ( but I was not surprised ) he mentioned something about his work and the relationship with his colleagues. And then immediately I knew that we have touched another deeper layer which was the main or at least major cause of the pain in the body. So we explored this topic a little more in depth and I gave a suggestion to my patient that this is the point that he needs to work with and find a constructive solution which would be best for all. I saw some resistance within my patient when we talked about this point but then I know that this is kind of normal reaction. This thing with his work and the colleagues has been on his mind for a while already but then he came to the conclusion that there is nothing that can be done and so he was trying to cope with it by supressing it. And of course he gave me some "pretty looking" reasons and justifications about it, which he made about it in his mind but I told him clearly that there is an easy solution to it but he must stop limiting himself within his mind.
Now... I know that he knows what he should do about it.
But will he do it ?
We will see...
Now... the important realisation coming from it is that we always know the solution to our problems and all that we need to do is to make the first step. In the beginning we may not see the main cause of the problem because it may be hidden under many layers within our mind but once we make the first step ( and we always know how to do it ) and we start removing the superficial layers, then eventually we will get to the core and then then we will have the chance to change it.