I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So there will be moments in your life when you will come to the point of transformation of your ego. Of course nothing is certain what will happen there because you will either fall into the trap of fear and the illusion that it is too much for you and that you are not strong enough to do it or you will actually transform the point.
Now... if believe that the point that you want to transform is too much for you then you give your power away to it and in a way you fall back in your process. And then it may take you some time before you will have another chance to transform it. Now this "some time" could mean some weeks, months, years or even the whole life or lives ( you will simply carry the transformation point through reincarnation into another life/lives until you actually do it ).
On the contrary if you transform the point you will empower yourself and enjoy a better life quality. It that through the transformation you will remove the illusions, fears and/or believes from your mind which take your life force and literally make your life misery.
Now... the transformation points apply to a single person as well as the whole nations and humanity as a whole. Of course coming to the point of the transformation on the global scale happens only when there is enough individuals making efforts on the personal level to transform their personal points. And thus for example
This is the follow up on the development of situation in regards to presidential preliminary elections in USA. You'll see... we have Donald Trump representing the ego and "what is best for me only" and then we have Bernie Sanders ( he is still fighting to be the nominee within the Democratic Party ) who represents the "what is best for people". And so we will either fall into the fear and the illusions of ego and we elect Donald Trump and through this we will fall back some years before we will have another chance and possibility of transformation of ego or we will choose Bernie Sanders and we ( people ) we become empowered and enjoy a better quality of life. This is all very simple. But if you operate on the level and through the ego then of course this simplicity is beyond your comprehension.
Anyway I am not USA citizen and I cannot vote for Bernie Sanders but then I can do my transformation on the personal level and through this I will help Bernie to be elected through empowering humanity as a whole.