I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
Interestingly she contacted me few days ago ( few months later ) wanting to tell me something important from the heart as I said it in the first part of these articles. We did not even make it to meet in person and it all came to the point of sharp confrontation with the abusive element.
So as I said her ego was challenged and she "attacked me" with fury.
Now here are some important points coming out of this situation:
1. It is not really even worth to enter into any kind of discussion with this type of people. It does not matter that you are right, their ego will see it always differently and it will portrait you as the bad guy and guilty of everything that happened to this person.
2. Be careful with this people. They will not be able to destroy your inner peace but if they have power in the system then they will "hurt" you by taking your money, put you in jail, beat you up etc.
3. Let them have their last say in the discussion. They need it to validate their ego as superior to you.
4. Do not think in your head of what you should have said during the discussion earlier. You said what you did and even if you said something different it would not change the point that they ( their ego ) wanted to be right no matter what and have the last say.
5. "Cut them" and "throw them" off from your life as soon as possible and keep them as far as possible. Because as I said they will try to take revenge on. And it does not matter whether this would be your best friend or your closest family. When it comes to ego there is no family and there are no limits. They will try to get at you and for them it will not matter that you are their family member.
6. If you see that you have any emotional reaction and you have the need to prove that you are not this bad person as he thinks and talks about you then do self-forgiveness.
Another interesting point within this whole situation is that this woman truly believes that she is right. Of course... why wouldn't she ? In the end that is what she sees in her mind !!! And the thing with the mind is that it functions and operates in such a way that it can make anything look real. Thus anybody can make any illusion in his mind and then convince himself that this is the absolute truth.
Now... what gives me the certainty that this person is wrong and not me ?
Well... that is very easy in this case. I just look at what she says and what I did and what I do. I do not compare what I think in my mind with what she thinks in her mind. This would be completely fucked up as both of us would be lost in the mind and we would look at the same situation from different "mind angles" and both of us would believe that the other person is wrong while I am right. Thus I look at the facts of reality of what I did and how she sees it and then I know that she operates from the level of ego and the illusions of the mind.
How long will this woman be lost ?
According to her LIFE will teach me the lesson. Well... we will see who is going to be taught. In any case any person may deny to learn the lessons from LIFE for their whole life. And the same with this woman. How long will it take her to learn and realise that she operates from the level of ego, I do not know. But if I see the possibility to assist her I will do it. For now I must push her away from me as far as I can because she is unpredictable and possibly dangerous.