I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Now... are there any positive aspects to the global warming ?
Well... I guess we could say that YES.
Thus higher temperatures will increase evaporation of the oceans and lakes and this will increase the humidity in the air and thus it should increase the rainfall. Then this higher temperatures will also increase the growth of plants and tress which will increase the production of oxygen and cleaning of the air from the pollution. And then of course we should use less fossil fuels for heating in winter months.
So these are few positive aspects to the climate change which is on the way. And the same as previously pointed out there will be also some other positive aspects which we don't see clearly yet.
Now... all these positive and negative aspects may in some way balance themselves out but still what concerns me seriously is that this climate change is not a self-induced and self-regulating mechanism of the whole ecosystem and the earth but it is "forcefully provoked" as a by-product of stupid humans directed by greed and self-interest destroying the rain forests and polluting the atmosphere.
Most probably you have seen in my previous articles that I make a certain comparison of functioning of earth to human body. And thus here in the case of the global warming I would look at the point that the earth is getting sick. There is increase in the amount of viruses and bacteria in the body and earth is raising its temperature as a self-defence mechanism. It is not difficult to come to a conclusion that here the viruses ( the bad guys ) are humans. And so it is obvious that just like in the case of sickness in the human body the raise in the temperature and the response of the lymphatic system will cause some or more of the viruses to die. And I see that the same will happen with humans.
To be continued