Throughout the history of humanity we have the situation where those in power use force to collect taxes. And although we think that today we are more "civilized" than we used to be some centuries ago we still do it days. Try not to pay taxes today and eventually policemen will come to your home with "official and legal" paper from the judge and they will take by force what belongs to the "government".
So you'll see... this has not changed at all although you may think - as I said before - that we "civilized humans". The tax system right from the beginning was and still is based on fear and abuse of the citizens by the elite ( those who are in power ).
But here is the question:
Is it really necessary to use force to get the money for running of the country ?
Well... I remember that I have already written an article about this topic but I decided to come back to it again as in the last couple of months we had a clear example that we have an alternative. Thus we just need to look at the presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders in USA. He refused to beg for money the big corporations and instead he asked the normal citizens to donate money so that he may run his presidential campaign.
And guess what ?
Apparently he has collected more money than Hilary Clinton who has received huge amount of money from the banks and corporations in the form of speaking fees.
In this example of Bernie Sanders we can see that the citizens identify themselves with the goals of this candidate as Bernie has proven throughout his political career that he is honest and that he really wants to do something for the citizens. While most of the politicians give false promises during the election to get the votes and later they only look after their own pockets while being in power. Senator Sanders does not use force to collect money. All that he does is that he gives people real promise ad n his word that he will represent them and that he will do everything possible to make their life better and easier. And this is clear example that we do not need to use force to collect taxes.