I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had relatively quiet day at home. I was my day off but I was happy to do some cleaning and tidying my apartment ( continuing with my Feng shui experiment ). I still have 2 rooms to clean up and then my house will be perfect. Perfect in a sense that it will be finished and I will be free to focus on my other task waiting in the queue.
OK... but then it is interesting that still I do not really know what to write today in my article although I am not tired from working.
One of the points that I see here is that I live and spend a lot of time alone. And I have noticed already some time ago that when I live with other people ( friend, partner or family ) then it is easier to write something as I see certain points which require correction. It is because then the things move faster and it is easier to see the movement within myself which is being mirrored by another person.
But for now I live alone and I spend most of my time on doing my projects. This is also great and I am happy about it as I remember that in the past I was anxious that I could not work effectively on my projects as I had to dedicate a lot of time on my relationship. Anyway I have learned from it and this time - if I decide on a relationship ( agreement ) - it will be only under the condition that it follows the principle of what is best for all and it supports me and my projects that I work on.