I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I was busy all day - work and then other things on top of it. Thus I feel tired now. And I also see that this tiredness has been accumulating for the last 3-4 weeks and now I would really need couple of days to rest and regenerate. But still I do not know when I will be able to have day off ( hopefully in 2 days ).
Anyway now it is late, I am tired and I do not feel like writing and thinking about what I could write. But because I have to do it despite the fact that I do not feel like doing it, so I will write something.
Thus... today I was very happy because one of my patients told me that she is getting better. And what is important for me within it is that she did the exercises that I advised her to do. And so I am pleased that she got over the "wall of excuses" and she found the inner strength to do the exercises. And thanks to it she is better now.
My objective in my practice is to show people that they don't need to suffer and that they can do things to be healthy and to make their life better in general. And when they do it and then when they get better, then I am very pleased and happy.
So this was my happy day.