I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I would like to close my computer right now and go to sleep as I really don't know what to write. I have got the title but then total emptiness in my head. I have been busier with work lately and so I'd guess that has also something to do with it.
Anyway I am in the process of doing my experiment with the sleep. Though what I see is that it is much more difficult to cut my sleep when I have to work a lot with massages which are physically very demanding and intensive. I had some days with less work and then I could see that it was easier for me to reduce my sleep.
I also do my experiment with the teeth. Though I have no any changes or realisations to share.
Today I have fallen into masturbation while watching porn. And I guess I will have to look at my application when it comes to this point. Though I see that this is only one time fall. I won't repeat it tomorrow. And then I also wanted to say here that I will try to not repeat this mistake in the future. But I realise immediately that this word "I try" is a trap as somewhere at the back of my head I consider that this may happen again. So what I do here is that I make an absolute statement in regards to this point.
I will not do it anymore.
I know that this is possible. In the end it is me who decides what I do and what I don't. And this is the freedom of choice which I have. I have observed it. I have done some tests and experiments related to masturbation while watching porn and how it affects me. And thus I don't need it anymore as it does not bring anything beneficial in my life and as a matter of fact it causes a lot of harm worldwide.