I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I still have moments when - due to the unpredictable nature of my job - I have a lot of responsibilities to be taken care of and I really don't have time for myself but generally I see that I am "slowing down" within myself. You'll know... now I am really careful before I accept any new tasks or I get involved in any new project. I have learned my lesson in the last couple of years and now I do not want to repeat the same mistakes. I realised that the mess in this world has been created by all of us and thus I cannot clean this mess for others. I can only so much in any given time. And if I try to do too much then I may get sick and then I will be completely out of the game. So it is better to "stay" with the: "the turtle wins the race" and simply do the best I can while maintaining the balance ( in regards to work and rest ) within myself.
I do not know what else can I write today. So I guess I will finish here.