I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Good morning and good night... most of the people say these two phrases at least once a day. But then if somebody lives and/or works with other people then s/he may even use this words over hundred times a day. And thus because these phrases are used so often and so frequently then we regard them as something normal and natural. And if somebody for some reason does not greets us or does not reply to our greeting then we quite often regard it as utter disrespect or even a sign of a "war" ( between neighbours, family, colleagues etc. ).
Myself ( as most of other people ) I use these words in my daily life but then there is something that I do not like about them. And I observe this dislike especially among people who are very close to me and who live with me. And so this is happening with one of my friends who has been staying with me for couple of weeks. My friend knows me quite well but still she was not kind of surprised but also shocked that I did not respond to her greetings in the morning and then good night before retiring to bed.
In the beginning she did not say anything about it but because it was something very unusual to her so eventually after few days she brought it up into the conversation with me. But then because she did not mention it directly but instead she used indirect form of communication by pointing out that I have become "hard" since she got to know me some years ago, so I did not get it. Our conversation did not bring up any solution and at the end she stayed with a label in her mind about me that I have become "hard" and "cold".
And so it is obvious that - because we did not find any constructive solution - this topic was destined to come up again in the future. And so it did...
To be continued