I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I have been caught in the deadline and so I had to work a lot in the last couple of days. But then I cannot say that I am complaining about it. I do what I planned to do and it is just that there was much more to do than expected.
Anyway now I seat in front of the computer and I do not really know what I should write about. But then I do not want seat for hours thinking about what to write. I want to go to bed and get some rest. So I write something just to write.
I am almost finished with my experiment with the Feng Shui in my home. I still have one more room to organize and decorate but the rest looks really spectacular. In the beginning I wanted to make just small changes but in the end it turned that we did kind of "revolution" in my house. Anyway now my home will be done and I can "tick it off" my "to do" list and focus on other tasks.
In the last couple of days I was kind of sick but I will write separate article about it.