I am catching up with posting online my articles.
From time to time I need to some new posters, flyers etc. which I use later as a publicity for my business ( or I do it for my friends ). On my main job I am a therapist of natural medicine. But then few years ago I was not in a position to pay a graphic designer relatively a lot of money for a making me a website and the whole "visual" advertising campaign. And apart from this I thought that I do not want to be dependent on other people. You'll know... I have heard some stories when the clients could not get their graphic designer to make a small change on their website because they were too busy and so I decided that I will learn web and graphic design. I cannot say that it was easy. It took me a lot of time and effort but now I can say that I am pretty good although I am not a professional designer.
Anyway I have noticed one interesting point. Thus when I finish my designer work I like to seat in front of the computer and stare/gaze in awe and joy at my "piece of art" that I have just finished. Sometimes I stare at it for some 20 minutes. And later during the day I come back and I look at it again for many minutes.
And thus I came to the conclusion that if the process of creating something is so enjoyable for me then it must be the same for every other human being. Of course I know that not everybody realises it because not everybody is in a position of having the possibility of creating something. Well... maybe I should say it differently ?
Thus everybody is in a position of creating something valuable and enjoy it but quite often we are stuck so much on the fight and struggle to survive that we have no time and energy to be creative. Or even if we are creative we have no time and energy to enjoy our creation.
Then there is also a point that the consumerism and the obsessive greed kills the creativity in humans as we are taught to get everything being done for us for money. And then we are also lost in watching for hours TV and playing computer games, which also kills the creativity.
Anyway I want to encourage all of you to be creative and do something as an expression of you. You'll know... you do not have to be a famous artist painting on canvas or something like this. Even doing something simple can give you a lot of fun, which no money can buy you. Just try it and you will see it for yourself.