I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It is late. It is very late. And I cannot seat any longer thinking about what I could write today ( tonight ). I must write something and go to bed to get some rest. Thus I will write about my day.
Now... there is one person in my life that has certain characteristics, which would make this person a good partner in my project ( project of what is best for all ). And I have to say that I would be really pleased if this person decided to work with me. I see that this person ( especially because she is a foreigner ) would need my help and my support to get established here on my islands. This is something very obvious and I am ready to do it. Though I will not do it unless I see that this person makes her own and clear decision that she wants to be here and that she wants to work on her project here. And of course her project must be aligned with mine. And that simply means that her project must be aligned with the principle of what is best for all. Thus I will wait until I see this clarity and then I will think about how I could practically support this person to establish herself on the island and how we could work and cooperate together.
In the past I had a disappointing experience with couple of people who worked with me and of whom I thought that they were aligned with the project. In the end it appeared that they were not and I "wasted" a lot of time and effort on supporting them. Thus this time I will communicate about my readiness to assist and support but then I must see the self-dedication and self-movement before I make any practical actions in this direction.