![The world has started to spend more on weapons](img7yrs/img_day1450.jpg)
According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute the defense budgets rose in 2015 by 1% to a total sum of $1.68 trillion !!!
WTF is wrong with you world !? How do you want to have peace on this planet if the world spends so much money on guns ?
You'll know... we talk so much about love, peace and freedom but unfortunately our actions do not reflect what we wish for. If we want to have love and peace in this world we must reflect this love in our daily lives. But we are not.
Anyway how can we change it ?
As always each and everyone must start with themselves. Look deep inside of you and have a look whether you fight with yourself. Look whether you fight with your family, friends, neighbors and/or work colleagues. If you do then you generate the war energy which later adds up to the war energy of other people and eventually it manifests itself on the global scale as world war.
If you do not change yourself and live practically every day this peace and love, then you may continue wishing and pray as much as you want, you may have as many "peace" demonstrations ( which quite often turn into war with police anyway ) as you want but you will never have peace in this world.